Certified Organic, Vata-Dosha, Ayurvedic, Caffeine Free, 2.5 Oz (72 G)

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...Artisan Quality. Pure Leaf Teas. Fresh. Certified Organic. Healing Teas of India...

Full product title: The Tao Of Tea, Certified Organic, Vata-Dosha, Ayurvedic, Caffeine Free, 2.5 Oz (72 G)
Brand: The Tao Of Tea
iHerb product id: 37959
Laud Herb Tag: 37959 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $9.00
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries
iHerb customers rating: 4.67
iHerb customer reviews: 36
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The Tao Of Tea, Certified Organic, Vata-Dosha, Ayurvedic, Caffeine Free, 2.5 Oz (72 G)

Artisan Quality.
Pure Leaf Teas.
Certified Organic.
Healing Teas of India.
USDA Organic.
Mind, Body, Spirit.
Brews 50 Cups.
Certified Organic by QAI.
What is Vata-Dosha?.
In Ayurvedic principles, Vata governs the principle of air and is the energy of movement in your body. Vata can also be seen as our life-force or in yoga terms as 'prana'. Vata is the impulse to act and react.
Vata-Dosha Imbalance.
A Vata imbalance can have some of the following indicators:
Very dry skin, poor circulation, feeling easily anxious and afraid when under stress, muscle twitching and spasms, moving and talking quickly.
Balance... read more.

Categories: Grocery, Tea, Herbal Tea, Medicinal Teas
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