Laud Herb in English

Laud Herb in English

English-speaking LH analyst
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...Quality Sealed. Ultra Premium. Core Series. 41 Servings. 22 g Protein-Serving....

Full product title: Usn, Fusion 8, Multi-Phase Protein, Cookies & Cream, 4 Lbs (1814 G)
Brand: Usn
iHerb product id: 64789
Laud Herb Tag: 64789 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $49.99
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries
iHerb customers rating: 4.3
iHerb customer reviews: 3
Best choice? May be... (see reviews)

Usn, Fusion 8, Multi-Phase Protein, Cookies & Cream, 4 Lbs (1814 G)

Quality Sealed.
Ultra Premium.
Core Series.
41 Servings.
22 g Protein-Serving.
4822 mg BCAAs-Serving.
Fast, Medium & Slow Release Proteins.
For Systematic Uptake.
Ultra-Premium Lean Muscle Support System.
Formulated With Glutamine Peptide.
Dietary Supplement.
Natural and Artificial Flavor.
31 Daily.
Between Ideal Time.
41 Servings- 1 Scoop Per Serving- 31 Daily- Between Ideal Time- Strength- Recovery.
Protein helps build and repair body tissues, and contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass.
Contains a unique 8-stage protein release formula for instant amino acid update... read more.

Categories: Usn, Sports Nutrition, Protein, Protein Blends, スポーツ栄養, ワークアウト後の回復, タンパク質, プロテインブレンド, Спортивное Питание, Восстановление После Тренировки, Пищевые Добавки, Протеин, Протеиновые Смеси, 스포츠 영양, 운동 후 에너지 보충 시, 보충제, 단백질, 단백질 블렌드
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