Organic White Tea, White Peony, Loose Leaf, 1.06 Oz (30 G)

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...Soft and Refreshingly Sweet with a Pleasant Woodsy, Roasted Aroma. USDA Organic. Brews 20 Cups...

Full product title: Rishi Tea, Organic White Tea, White Peony, Loose Leaf, 1.06 Oz (30 G)
Brand: Rishi Tea
iHerb product id: 44997
Laud Herb Tag: 44997 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $8.00
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries
iHerb customers rating: 4.4
iHerb customer reviews: 11
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Rishi Tea, Organic White Tea, White Peony, Loose Leaf, 1.06 Oz (30 G)

Soft and Refreshingly Sweet with a Pleasant Woodsy, Roasted Aroma.
USDA Organic.
Brews 20 Cups.
Certified Organic by QAI.
Kosher Certified.
White teas represent tea in perhaps its simplest, most noble form. Tender buds and sprouts are plucked in early spring, then simply withered and dried to preserve and celebrate their exquisite character and delicately sweet flavor. These elite teas are known traditionally as the Scholar's Tea for energizing poets, statesmen and intellectuals with a reflective, calm state of focus.
Crafting Style.
This traditional white tea style, also called Bai Mu Dan, originates in northern Fujian. Harvested every year from April through May.... read more.

Categories: Grocery, Tea, White Tea

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