Wholeganic Greens, 8.5 Oz (240 G)

Laud Herb in English

Laud Herb in English

English-speaking LH analyst
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...Nutrient Dense. Great Tasting. Mixes Easily. USDA Organic. Fermented Young-Leaf Grass Blend...

Full product title: Reserveage Nutrition, Wholeganic Greens, 8.5 Oz (240 G)
Brand: Reserveage Nutrition
iHerb product id: 52297
Laud Herb Tag: 52297 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $22.04
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries
iHerb customers rating: 1.00
iHerb customer reviews: 1
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Reserveage Nutrition,  Wholeganic Greens, 8.5 Oz (240 G)

Nutrient Dense.
Great Tasting.
Mixes Easily.
USDA Organic.
Fermented Young-Leaf Grass Blend.
Certified Organic by California Certified Organic Farmers - CCOF.
Dietary Supplement.
Not All Greens are Created Equal.
Our wholesome and organic greens superfood blend is crafted with a highly concentrated premium blend of certified organic greens. Our greens are milled into a fine powder for easy mixing. Our formula offers an easy and nourishing solution for incorporating high-alkaline plant superfoods in your daily diet.
Super-Charged Formula.
We're serious about greens. Our formula contains no fruit extracts or unnecessary fillers such as soy lecithin. Each concentrated scoop of... read more.

Categories: Reserveage Nutrition
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