Ceramic Shaving Mug, 1 Mug

Laud Herb in English

Laud Herb in English

English-speaking LH analyst
Команда форума
...Our Ceramic Shave Mug is a Great Start to An Eco-Friendly Shaving Ritual. Our Ceramic Mug is Made in the US, is Sweatshop Free...

Full product title: Herban Cowboy, Ceramic Shaving Mug, 1 Mug
Brand: Herban Cowboy
iHerb product id: 28541
Laud Herb Tag: 28541 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $3.18
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries
iHerb customers rating: 4.00
iHerb customer reviews: 10
Best choice? May be... (see reviews)

Herban Cowboy, Ceramic Shaving Mug, 1 Mug

Our Ceramic Shave Mug is a Great Start to An Eco-Friendly Shaving Ritual.
Our Ceramic Mug is Made in the US, is Sweatshop Free.
Cadmium and Lead Free.
It’s dishwasher safe and even has a brush rest built into the handle to keep your shave brush dry in between shavings.
While iHerb... read more.


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