Xyla, Naturally Sugar Free Gum, Spearmint, 12 Pieces, .55 Oz (15.6 G)

Laud Herb in English

Laud Herb in English

English-speaking LH analyst
Команда форума
...Sweetened with 100% North American Xylitol. Sweeter. Smarter. Healthier.. No Artificial Sweeteners...

Full product title: Xylitol Usa, Xyla, Naturally Sugar Free Gum, Spearmint, 12 Pieces, .55 Oz (15.6 G)
Brand: Xylitol Usa
iHerb product id: 32738
Laud Herb Tag: 32738 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $1.19
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries (for orders over $40)
iHerb customers rating: 3.76
iHerb customer reviews: 59
Best choice? May be... (see reviews)

Xylitol Usa, Xyla, Naturally Sugar Free Gum, Spearmint, 12 Pieces, .55 Oz (15.6 G)

Sweetened with 100% North American Xylitol.
Sweeter. Smarter. Healthier.
No Artificial Sweeteners.
100% Vegan.
Sweet without the guilt!
Studies have proven that products sweetened with Xylitol like Xyla gum have positive oral health benefits, as well as having fewer calories and carbohydrates than sugar.
Xylitol is a natural low-glycemic sugar that is metabolized independently of insulin... read more.

Categories: Xylitol Usa, Chewing Gum
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