Mgo 400+, Munuka Honey With Cyclopower, 30 Veggie Caps

Laud Herb 한국어로

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...Advanced Natural Delivery System for Bioactive Supplements. Dietary Supplement with Log Glycemic Index...

전체 제품 이름: Manuka Health, Mgo 400+, Munuka Honey With Cyclopower, 30 Veggie Caps
상표: Manuka Health
iHerb id: 62670
Laud Herb tag: 62670 English 日本語 Русский
가격: ₩19,419
추가 할인:
한국으로 배송: $40 이상 주문 시 배송비 무료
제품의 순위: 3.67
상품평: 3
최선의 선택? 아마도... (리뷰 보기)

Manuka Health, Mgo 400+, Munuka Honey With Cyclopower, 30 Veggie Caps

Advanced Natural Delivery System for Bioactive Supplements.
Dietary Supplement with Log Glycemic Index.
CycloPower is a natural bioactive booster for more effective dietary supplementation and is the latest breakthrough product from Manuka Health New Zealand.
High grade MGO 400+ Manuka Honey from New Zealand is complexed with natural cyclodextrins which enhances the properties of the honey to provide supercharged support for digestive... 자세한 내용을.

카테고리: Manuka Health
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