Gojisplash, Goji Berry Juice Drink, 32 Fl Oz (946 Ml)

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English-speaking LH analyst
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...Sulfite Free. Powered with Goji Berry Juice Concentrate. Provides 11,000 mg of Goji Per Serving...

Full product title: Garden Greens, Gojisplash, Goji Berry Juice Drink, 32 Fl Oz (946 Ml)
Brand: Garden Greens
iHerb product id: 9025
Laud Herb Tag: 9025 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $11.49
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries (for orders over $40)
iHerb customers rating: 5.00
iHerb customer reviews: 1
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Garden Greens, Gojisplash, Goji Berry Juice Drink, 32 Fl Oz (946 Ml)

Sulfite Free.
Powered with Goji Berry Juice Concentrate.
Provides 11,000 mg of Goji Per Serving.
Active Polysaccharides.
Super Antioxidants.
Help Support Youth & Vitality.
Best Tasting.
With Natural Apple Concentrates.
Dietary Supplement.
Garden Greens GojiSplash is a delicious, sulfite free juice concentrate made up of antioxidant rich berries harvested from the Lycium plant. These translucent red berries, known as Gou-Qi-Zi or Goji, are treasured by cultures all over Asia because they are believed to provide age-defying and immune supporting benefits.
For thousands of years, people from the Himalayas and China have revered the Goji berry for its revitalizing properties. Recent scientific... read more.

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