ru Paradise Herbs, Энергетичекий нектар с чаванпрашем Vitality Blend, 300 г (10.58 oz)



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Made With Non-GMO Ingredients. Gluten Free. Made With Wild Crafted Ingredients. With 150:1 Extracts. 30 Servings. Dietary Supplement. Suitable for Vegetarians, Non-GMO and Naturally Gluten Free. Enhancing Nature'...

Paradise Herbs, Энергетичекий нектар с чаванпрашем Vitality Blend, 300 г (10.58 oz)

Цена: 992.06 руб.
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Paradise Herbs, Энергетичекий нектар с чаванпрашем Vitality Blend, 300 г (10.58 oz)
Категории: Paradise Herbs, Травы и натуральные средства, Травы, Чаванпраш, Препараты на основе трав, Парадайз Хербс, 64221
Производитель: Парадайз Хербс другие товары этого бренда

[DESCRIPT]Made With Non-GMO Ingredients. Gluten Free. Made With Wild Crafted Ingredients. With 150:1 Extracts. 30 Servings. Dietary Supplement. Suitable for Vegetarians, Non-GMO and Naturally Gluten Free. Enhancing Nature's Miracles Since 1994. Paradise Energy Nectar is not just your ordinary Chyawanprash. Our Energy Nectar is super infused with extremely powerful extracts of Certified Amla, Ashwagandha and Pippali (Indian Long Pepper). It is formulated with an extra emphasis on using pure ethically wild crafted and clean ingredients. It was designed for year round use and has a balancing and tonifying affect for any constitution. Our Energy Nectar is hand made with the freshest Amla and prepared in the traditional way for maximum therapeutic activity. Over thousands of years of wisdom have come to pass in carefully preparing and combining the most revered Ayurvedic herbs in the world to make up Chyawanprash. It is the most widely consumed of all of the Ayurvedic formulas and has been traditionally used for supporting daily energy, wellness and overall vitality.[/DESCRIPT]... (описание дополняется)

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